The ClauWau in review

Moderator Lupo looks back in an interview
One person who knows the ClauWau and the teams better than anyone else is ClauWau presenter Lupo. Lupo has been with us since the first ClauWau and it's hard to imagine ClauWau without him.

How do you look back on the ClauWau years?
19 years as moderator of this event speak for themselves. It's a gratifying look back that I can do. I've been with the ClauWau through sunshine and snowstorms, so it has become an affair of the heart. Not to mention that this cool event takes place in the most attractive ski resort in the Alps.
What has been your personal highlight in all the ClauWau years?
There are a few: Certainly the events in the village up to 2011 with the Christmas market and the parade are highlights. Another highlight for me is when the teams say goodbye on Sunday with "see you next year" and I go home with a good feeling.
What was your favorite discipline that the teams were able to master at ClauWau?
There are some unforgettable disciplines: In the donkey trekking (2004 to 2008), the donkeys lived up to their reputation and behaved very stubbornly, which almost drove some teams to despair. In the hay sled race, the teams of four sat on a hay sled, and the ride down the Musella slope was fast-paced. In the XXL hats, the whole team was under the hat, gathering parcels around the course without sight. In last year's snow sculpture building, amazing works of art were created within 20 minutes. The ladies teams and the Guggenmusik are always wonderful splashes of color, too.
What differences do you see when you compare the early years of the ClauWau with recent years?
The ClauWau has wild times behind it, when the party idea had rather priority and on and beside the stage the behavior of some teams was hard on the border. The philosophy of St. Nicholas was put under a lot of strain. Today, however, the competition and getting together are fortunately in the foreground for most teams. The party is part of it, but please only after the competition and in "civilian clothes". The demands on the disciplines have grown. The original marketing idea has remained successful to this day - 20 years after its launch.
What is your wish for the anniversary ClauWau?
Since it is usually the loyal and returning teams that also create the atmosphere and can infect the new teams with enthusiasm, I would be enormously pleased if as many former teams as possible were present, in particular also the world champions from 2001 to 2019. Then it will be a worthy anniversary ClauWau. And of course I wish for the same thing that St. Nicholas wishes for: lots of snow!

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