Arrival & mobility on site

Arrival by car to Samnaun

Up to date
The road condition
On the website of the ÖAMTC you can get information about the road conditions when traveling from Germany and Austria:
- Road condition Tyrol
- Livecam Spisser Landesstrasse L348 (access road to Samnaun)
Up-to-date information on the road conditions when traveling from Switzerland:

About Switzerland
Samnaun can be reached via the Engadinstrasse H27: via Vereina (car transport) or the Flüelapass (only in summer), turn off Vinadi onto the Samnaunerstrasse to Samnaun.
Restrictions Vinadi-Samnaun:
- 18 tonnes (3-axle trucks permitted up to 19 tonnes).
- Width 2.3 m
- Height 3 m
- Length 10 m
- Ban on trailers
On the return journey from Samnaun to the Engadine, you will pass Swiss customs in Martina due to the Samnaun customs exclusion area. Please note the valid customs regulations regarding the goods you are carrying. We recommend that you have a valid travel document (passport, identity card) with you when traveling to Samnaun.
Via Austria
You can reach Samnaun via the Arlberg Schnellstrasse S16, Fernpassstrasse B179 or Inntal-Autobahn A12 to Landeck, continue on the Reschenstrasse B180 to Pfunds Kajetansbrücke and then via Spisser Landesstrasse L348 to Samnaun.
Restrictions L348 Pfunds-Samnaun:
- Length 13 m
- Trailer ban for caravans, permitted for other vehicles (except in winter when snow falls)
- No tonne, height or width restriction
By the way: In the entire Samnaun Valley you can park free of charge in the public parking lots.
Arrival by public transport

Arrival from Switzerland
From Zurich by Intercity train in the direction of Chur to Landquart. Continue with the Rhaetian Railway to Scuol-Tarasp in the Lower Engadine. From there the Postbus runs hourly via Martina on to Samnaun. Latest news on line 921 (PostAuto.ch).
Arrival from Austria
Take the Railjet to Landeck-Zams. From there, take the hourly bus to Pfunds Kajetansbrücke or Martina and continue by PostBus to Samnaun.