1850 Samnaun
The Samnaun beer

Beer name
The name "1850 Samnaun" is due to the geographical altitude of Samnaun village: Samnaun lies at 1850 meters above sea level.
Points of sale
The "1850 Samnaun" is available everywhere in Samnaun. You can consume the beer in the restaurants and bars, or buy it at the gas stations, various stores or at the alpine dairy.

Aktuelles Projekt
Skills-Trail-Parcours Samnaun
The first project supported by the "1850 Samnaun" is a new bike skills trail in the Samnaun valley, which will be implemented next summer. A bike loop with technical elements - various jumps and waves - will be created between the villages. This makes biking fun and at the same time you practice your bike skills for the ride over the numerous trails in the Silvretta Arena. For every bottle sold, 52 centimes go to this project.