Restaurant Samnaun
Alp Bella

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On Alp Bella there is a self-service restaurant and a serviced restaurant, each with a beautiful sun terrace. The speciality of the house are the half chicken from the grill/grilled chicken. Sparkling wine is our strength! You will find the largest and cheapest range of sparkling wine and champagne in the Alps. Free WLAN is available.
In summer, cows graze on Alp Bella - this is Rhaeto-Romanic and means the "beautiful alp", in contrast to Alp Trida, which is a desert alp due to the numerous boulders, which are covered with snow in winter. In summer the shepherds on Alp Bella run a snack station with simple dishes and drinks.
Skiers can reach Alp Bella via the Visnitzbahn N2 and the ski slope 66. Hikers can reach Alp Trida with the mountain railroads and hike from here in about 30 minutes on the winter hiking trail W10 to Alp Bella.
Winter season: Open daily from 08:00 - 16:00
Summer season: Daily in fine weather from 11:00 - 15:00
Alp Bella
Bergbahnstrasse 8, 7563 Samnaun-Ravaisch
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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