Über Visnitzalpe und Vesulscharte ins Velilltal

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After a very short and easy ascent coming from the Grivaleabahn, the first beautiful downhill slope opens up at the Visnitzjoch with 400hm. Due to the northern exposure and the altitude, there are usually good conditions with fine powder snow until April.
Afterwards, you will skin up and ascend towards the western Vesulscharte for about 1 hour through slightly hilly terrain. The saddle offers a very good and striking point of orientation. Only the last 70hm or so to the saddle are more challenging, as the slope becomes steadily steeper.
Once at the top, another 700hm of downhill enjoyment opens up to the west until you inevitably reach the valley station of the Velillbahn at the end.
If you have descended too far after the first slope and shy away from the ascent, you can alternatively continue the descent. This leads past the old customs hut and finally onto a forest path, on which you pass the small Rotweg chapel to the car park of the cable car in Kappl. The wayfinding is uncomplicated overall, the scenic impressions no less beautiful.
Alternative: Alternatively, you can also choose the first ascent further west from the Visnitzbahn via the Visnitzkopf. Instead of skinning, the skis are strapped to the backpack and you walk about 75hm up the ridge ahead. At the striking avalanche blasting mast you look for the crossing, then a magnificent slope opens up in the direction of Visnitzalpe, which leads to the original ascent track to the Vesulscharte. However, the slope should be critically assessed taking into account the given avalanche situation.
After the ascent with the Grivalea cable car, leave the lift in a northerly direction or slightly left to a small depression behind the slope area. Here you put on your skins and prepare everything for the short ascent towards the Visnitzjoch, which lies directly ahead. Depending on personal taste, the ascent track can swing further to the left or further to the right. The decisive factor for the choice of lane is usually the cornices that form at the upper edge and indicate the possible transition to the yoke. The 100hm ascent itself is uncomplicated.
Once at the top, the first beautiful downhill slope opens up with 400hm. As can be seen on the map, you can choose between two variants: one a little further east with a narrower entrance and a more westerly one, which offers a slightly more open slope. Due to the northern exposure and the altitude, the finest powder snow can usually be found here until April, only the entrance to the slope is often very blown off and somewhat rocky, but basically uncomplicated. When entering, you should exercise some caution and then tend to orient yourself to the left skis, because the further down you go, the more you have to climb up again.
After about two thirds of the slope, cross to the west and now drive as far as you can. In the lower area, the terrain becomes more hilly and there are larger boulders more or less scattered around. According to the individual track, a suitable felling point is chosen between these rocks. You can't do too much wrong if you orientate yourself on the striking western Vesulscharte. It should be noted that there are two Vesul species: a western one, looking from the Visnitzjoch to the left of the Vesulspitze, and a northern one, to the right of the Vesulspitze. The second is a little lower, but is much steeper, narrower and often heavily overturned, especially in the upper area.
The ascent track is now chosen along the depression between the rock ledges to the left and right to the western Vesulscharte. In particular, the right-hand slopes exposed to the south should be kept in mind in spring and watch out for warning signs of increased avalanche activity. The trail should therefore be laid out a little further north in order not to be surprised by spring avalanches in the event of moisture penetration.
After an ascent of about 1 hour, you reach the saddle. The last 70hm are a bit more challenging, as the terrain now becomes steeper and steeper. However, there are no major technical challenges. In the event of slipping, there is no risk of falling. If you lay out the track a little further, this section should not be a major problem either.
Once at the top, the place is ideal for an extensive break before you embark on the following 700hm of downhill enjoyment. After the first few meters of altitude, the slope opens up more and more, the terrain becomes more extensive and partly slightly hilly. Further pathfinding is therefore no problem, there are no major dangers. The track system up to the valley station of the Velillbahn can be chosen freely and according to personal preferences, taking into account the given avalanche situation. The western slopes in particular are prone to numerous wet snow avalanches in spring. These should be observed and, if necessary, return to the slopes earlier, otherwise you will automatically reach the valley station of the lift at the end at the latest, as a forest path blocks the further descent.
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